Source code for spiketimes.df.binning

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import spiketimes.binning
import warnings

[docs]def binned_spiketrain( df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, spiketimes_col: str = "spiketimes", spiketrain_col: str = "spiketrain", fs: str = 1, t_start: float = None, t_stop: float = None, ): """ Get event counts by entity at regular a constant sampling rate. Args: df: Pandas dataframe containing the data fs: Desired sampling frequency in seconds spiketimes_col: The label of the column in df containing spiketimes spiketrain_col: The label of the column in df containing spiketrain identifiers. t_start: The time after which the first bin will start. Default is 0. t_stop: The maximum time for the time bins. Returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the binned data. The `time` column contains the left edge of the time bin. `spike_count` contains the number of spikes occuring in that bin. """ if t_stop is None: t_stop = df[spiketimes_col].values[-1] return ( df.groupby(spiketrain_col) .apply( lambda x: spiketimes.binning.binned_spiketrain( x[spiketimes_col], fs=fs, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, as_df=True ) ) .reset_index() .drop("level_1", axis=1) )
[docs]def binned_spiketrain_bins_provided( df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, bins: np.ndarray, spiketimes_col: str = "spiketimes", spiketrain_col: str = "spiketrain", ): """ Get event count per item in user-specified bins. Designed to bin spiketrains but works on any set of events. Args: df: A pandas DataFrame containing the data bins: A numpy array of time bins spiketimes_col: The label of the column in df containing spiketimes spiketrain_col: The label of the column in df containing spiketrain identifiers. Returns: A pandas DataFrame with columns indicating the unit (`by_col`), time bin and event counts. """ return ( df.groupby(spiketrain_col) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( { "bin": bins[:-1], "counts": spiketimes.binning.binned_spiketrain_bins_provided( x[spiketimes_col], bins=bins ), } ) ) .reset_index() .drop("level_1", axis=1) )
[docs]def which_bin( df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, bin_edges: np.ndarray, allow_before: bool = False, max_latency: float = None, before: float = None, spiketimes_col: str = "spiketimes", ): """ Returns the closest bin for each data element. Useful for asigning spikes to trials. Args: df: A pandas DataFrame containing the data to be binned bin_edges: A numpy array of edges to bin into. before: If specified, the spiketrain is aligned to the bins shifts bins backwards by this quantity. allow_before: If False, spikes occuring before the first time bin return np.nan max_latency: If specified, np.nan is returned for any spikes occuring this quantity after the maximum bin_edge spiketimes_col: The label of the column in df containing spiketimes Returns: A copy of the passed DataFrame with an additional two columns: 'bin_values' and 'bin_idx' containing the value and index in corresponding event array of the appropriate event. """ return df.assign( bin_idx=lambda x: spiketimes.binning.which_bin( x[spiketimes_col].values, bin_edges=bin_edges, max_latency=max_latency, before=before, allow_before=allow_before, )[0], bin_values=lambda x: spiketimes.binning.which_bin( x[spiketimes_col].values, bin_edges=bin_edges, max_latency=max_latency, before=before, allow_before=allow_before, )[1], )
[docs]def which_bin_by( df_data: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, df_data_data_colname: str, df_data_group_colname: str, df_events: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, df_events_event_colname: str, df_events_group_colname: str, max_latency: float = None, before: float = None, allow_before: bool = False, ): """ Get corresponding bin per data point. Searches bins by group. Args: df_data: the df containing the data to be binned df_data_data_colname: label of the column in df_data containing the data to be binned df_data_group_colname: label of the column in df_data containing group membership identifiers. This could be session id, mouse id etc. df_data_spiketrain_colname: label of the column in df_data containing spiketrain id (could also be event_type) df_events: the df containing events to the data align to df_events_event_colname: label of the column in df_events containing events df_events_group_colname: label of the column in df_events containing group membership identifiers (e.g. session id). max_latency: if specified, any latencies above this will be returned as np.nan before: the desired negative window before the onset of the event to align to allow_before: if true allows for negative idx Returns: A copy of df_data with an additional two columns: 'bin_values' and 'bin_idx' containing the value and index in corresponding event array of the appropriate event. """ if not ( df_data[df_data_group_colname].dtype == df_events[df_events_group_colname].dtype ): raise TypeError( "Columns containing groups identifiers must be of the same type" ) group_names_data = df_events[df_events_group_colname].unique() group_names_events = df_data[df_data_group_colname].unique() if not set(group_names_data.tolist()) == set(group_names_events.tolist()): warnings.warn("Groups in df_events and df_data are not identical") frames = [] for group_name in group_names_data: events = df_events[df_events[df_data_group_colname] == group_name][ df_events_event_colname ].values df = df_data[df_data[df_data_group_colname] == group_name].copy() res = which_bin( df, spiketimes_col=df_data_data_colname, bin_edges=events, max_latency=max_latency, before=before, allow_before=allow_before, ) df["bin_idx"] = res["bin_idx"] df["bin_values"] = res["bin_values"] frames.append(df) return pd.concat(frames, axis=0)
[docs]def spike_count_around_event( df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, events: np.ndarray, binsize: float, spiketimes_col: str = "spiketimes", by_col: str = "spiketrain", ): """ Get spike counts for each neuron following events. Args: df: A pandas DataFrame containing the spike data. events: A numpy array of event timings. binsize: The timeperiod after each event during which spikes are counted. spiketimes_col: The label of the column in df containing spiketimes. by_col: The label of the column in df containing spiketrain identifiers. Returns: A pandas DataFrame with columns identifing the spiketrain, event and spikecounts. """ return ( df.groupby(by_col) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( { "event": events, "counts": spiketimes.binning.spike_count_around_event( x[spiketimes_col].values, events=events, binsize=binsize ), } ) ) .reset_index() .drop("level_1", axis=1) )
[docs]def spike_count_around_event_by( df_data: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, binsize: float, df_data_data_colname: str, df_data_group_colname: str, df_data_spiketrain_colname: str, df_events: pd.core.frame.DataFrame, df_events_event_colname: str, df_events_group_colname: str, ): """ Get spike counts around events where you different sets of spiketrains and events. Args: df_data: A pandas DataFrame containing the spike times binsize: The duration of the period after each event during which spikes are counted df_data_data_colname: The label of the column in df_data containing the spiketime data df_data_group_colname: The label of the column in df_data containing the group data (e.g. session_id) df_data_spiketrain_colname: The label of the column in df_data containg spiketrain ids df_events: A pandas DataFrame containing event timings df_events_event_colname: The label of the column in df_events containing event timings df_events_group_colname: The label of the column in df_events containing group identifiers (e.g. session_id). Returns: A pandas DataFrame with one row per event per spiketrain with columns identifying the event, spike counts, group and spiketrain. """ if not ( df_data[df_data_group_colname].dtype == df_events[df_events_group_colname].dtype ): raise TypeError( "Columns containing groups identifiers must be of the same type" ) group_names_data = df_events[df_events_group_colname].unique() group_names_events = df_data[df_data_group_colname].unique() if not set(group_names_data.tolist()) == set(group_names_events.tolist()): warnings.warn("Groups in df_events and df_data are not identical") frames = [] for group_name in group_names_data: events = df_events[df_events[df_data_group_colname] == group_name][ df_events_event_colname ].values df = df_data[df_data[df_data_group_colname] == group_name].copy() res = spike_count_around_event( df=df, binsize=binsize, events=events, spiketimes_col=df_data_data_colname, by_col=df_data_spiketrain_colname, ).assign(**{df_data_group_colname: group_name}) frames.append(res) return pd.concat(frames, axis=0)